Friday, September 27, 2013

P R 0 F 0 U N D

Guilty too have found myself back in Urban Outfitters, letting myself get drawn in by the music and smell of new boxes being opened with fresh new product ready to fill the shelves and hangers that are all throughout the store. 

I wasn't long before one could have found thumbing through the mens and womens graphic tees that were folded neatly, making the process all the more satisfyingly time wasting. 


-- well worth the time wasted, as per usual, I went home with this new rose cross mens tee. a fantastic find that I within no time of being home,  made it into a loose tank. 

i'll be honest. i'm a bit obsessed with it. 


Glad to be rocking these babies again. One of my greatest investments I made the beginning of freshman year. I've worn the ever loving shit out of these, but damn, they look sexy as ever.